
Argentine escort for outcalls to swingers clubs

Schedule: Day,NightAge: 26 years old
Nationality: ArgentinianLanguages: Spanish, English, French
Measures: 99x62x97Weight: 57 kg
Height: 162 cmHair: Black
Breast: Operated
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Vanessa, escort in Barcelona

Are you dreaming of discovering the enchanting secrets of swap or swingers clubs, but you're alone and don't know where to start?

Hello, I'm Luna, an Argentine escort, ready to accompany you on this sensual and intoxicating adventure. Imagine the rush of adrenaline as you step through the doors with me, Luna, by your side. You will be amazed by the electric atmosphere, the looks filled with desire, the intimate exchanges... You can observe, participate, or simply let yourself be charmed by the intoxicating ambiance that reigns in these enchanting places.

Whether you are a novice in this matter or a regular visitor, I will know how to adapt to your desires and make you live intense and exciting moments. With me by your side, you can surrender to passion and sensuality with discretion and safety.

So, don't wait any longer, contact Felina BCN to organize our meeting. I will be delighted to accompany you and introduce you to a world of unsuspected pleasures.

Looking forward to meeting you! Kisses.

Enjoy with the best Barcelona escorts at our luxury brothel
Felina BCN


Can Bruixa Street, 42 B, 08014 Barcelona
Street level (District Les Corts)

+34 934 095 319+34 680 273 855 

+34 630 333 111

Line 3 - Les Corts Station (L3).

54, 59, 66, 78, H8, H10 and V7.

Parking close.

10 minutes in taxi. Be careful with taxi drivers. They might try to convince you to go somewhere else because they work on commission. Also if they told you that Felina is closed, it's a lie, we are open 24/7.