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Luxury escort in black lingerie, Annalis at Felina Barcelona

Venezuelan escort for swinger club outings

Schedule: Day,NightAge: 20 years old
Nationality: VenezuelanLanguages: Spanish, English
Measures: 91x61x93Weight: 60 kg
Height: 162 cmHair: Black
Breast: Natural
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Annalis, escort in Barcelona

What if I took you to a world of unsuspected pleasures? My name is Annalis, a luxurious Venezuelan escort who collaborates with the prestigious brothel Felina Barcelona. With my natural beauty and irresistible charm, I am ready to take you to a world of unforgettable pleasures.

By choosing me, you will treat yourself to an exhilarating experience. I am a young Latin woman full of life and eager to discover new sensations. My insatiable curiosity now leads me to try a visit to a swingers club, a fascinating universe that I want to explore with you.

Whether you are a regular at these places, ready to guide me in this adventure, or a curious novice, we will share a unique moment together. My open mind and desire for new experiences guarantee an incredible complicity and a mutual discovery of pleasures.

Imagine yourself, alongside an escort as daring as me, exploring the mysterious corridors of a swingers club, discovering the most secret and exciting corners of this place reserved for connoisseurs. We can mingle with other couples, share passionate and intimate moments, explore our limits, and live intense moments. Our encounter will be synonymous with spice, sensuality, and desire mixed with the excitement of the unknown.

So, are you ready to push the boundaries of pleasure and venture into a world of erotic fantasies? If so, contact Felina Barcelona and dare to live this unique experience! See you soon.

Enjoy with the best Barcelona escorts at our luxury brothel
Felina BCN


Can Bruixa Street, 42 B, 08014 Barcelona
Street level (District Les Corts)

+34 934 095 319+34 680 273 855 

+34 630 333 111

Line 3 - Les Corts Station (L3).

54, 59, 66, 78, H8, H10 and V7.

Parking close.

10 minutes in taxi. Be careful with taxi drivers. They might try to convince you to go somewhere else because they work on commission. Also if they told you that Felina is closed, it's a lie, we are open 24/7.