Erotic Blog Felina EscortsPage 11

Sex with new escorts

Normally, the people who approach escorts for having sex in Barcelona want a complete experience, something that isn’t just paid sex. They look for a fling that is pleasurable in all senses. A date wherein they can fulfill their most secret sexual fantasies, and get in touch with girls who know how to awaken desire.

Mila luxury blond cuban prostitute

An exotic and tempting girl is arriving at Felina Barcelona this week. There are many escorts who have worked at our brothel but she will surely take some forgetting. Mila is a young mulatto having beautiful golden skin, blonde hair and intense blue eyes. You will certainly like her simply with her look and angel-like face. If you like flings with an exotic touch and hot-blooded girls, this Caribbean gem is the luxury escort you have been looking for all this time and with whom you can fulfill your most Caribbean sexual fantasies.

fantasizing aids our sex life

According to many investigations, most people, 98% of those interviewed, have had sexual fantasies at some point or the other. Still, for many people this matter remains a taboo, for they regard sexual fantasies as “sick” behavior.

money for sex

Regarded as the world’s oldest profession, from our times to date, the work of an escort, company girl or luxury escort has changed a lot. If in the past being an escort simply meant offering sex, it isn’t that way today. The world has changed and so have men’s demands.

Sex on New Year’s Eve Barcelona

As the New Year’s Eve in Barcelona approaches, we bid adieu to a 2015 full of changes and experiences, a year replete with hopes and disappointments. The time has arrived for everyone to look back and decide their new goals for 2016. Regardless of whether they materialize or fail shortly after the start of this new stage, hope and motivation are the important things that the New Year’s Eve has on offer for us.

Beautiful cuban escort Alexandra

As usual, this week we will keep showing you the girls who drop by at our brothel. We are delighted by the nice welcome that is received by all the luxury escorts and the nice time had by the guys who come over to our premises. Glamour, elegance, luxury and pleasure, that’s how we like to be defined. In order to maintain such a nice reputation, there is little doubt about the fact that we need to keep the bar high. It is for this reason that at our whorehouse we make a very demanding list of girls. There are many girls who have to be denied a chance to work with us because we only accept exquisite beauties and women with a great poise. They shouldn’t just have jaw-dropping bodies but must also know how to treat a man from all angles. Having said that, we accept all nationalities: Russians, Bulgarians, Venezuelans, Brazilians, Dominicans, Cubans… Like Alexandra, the Cuban escort we want to talk to you about this week.

Caribbean escorts in Barcelona

Caribbean is a synonym of paradise, relaxation, beaches and golden sand, crystal-clear water, cheerful music and gorgeous girls. Beautiful and sensual women having exotic bodies men fantasize about, who make the men coming to that paradise fall for them.

Escort to come home

It was a cold and dark night, and after a day of extremely stressful work, I did not feel like going out. I still felt surrounded by loneliness. I felt the need of having a woman by my side getting stronger every minute… I thought, hesitated and recalled those beautiful ladies at Felina Barcelona, for I wanted to inquire about the home outcall service. I made up my mind and picked up the phone, called and a nice and gentle voice answered me. It was the receptionist. I asked her about the home outcall service, the girls who provided it, and although she hadn’t yet stopped explaining about it, my mind was already made up. I will spend this night with one of those Felina girls.

After the match Barcelona - Rome, Sex Felina

Barcelona and Roma will come out on the field for the penultimate game of Group E of Champions League at 20:45 hours today. After the draw in Bologna, Rudi Garcia’s team will have the tough task of stealing points from Barcelona. On the other hand, Iniesta, Neymar and Suarez will try and win to make sure that they qualify as the first team from the group.

high standing brunette escort

Ariel, a Latin escort with a pretty face having exotic features, has been working with us for a few months. Ever since she started working as a mistress at our brothel, we have witnessed the transformation of her youthful body into what is now the body of a woman who catches attention and awakens passion.

Enjoy with the best Barcelona escorts at our luxury brothel
Felina BCN


Can Bruixa Street, 42 B, 08014 Barcelona
Street level (District Les Corts)

+34 934 095 319+34 680 273 855 

+34 630 333 111

Line 3 - Les Corts Station (L3).

54, 59, 66, 78, H8, H10 and V7.

Parking close.

10 minutes in taxi. Be careful with taxi drivers. They might try to convince you to go somewhere else because they work on commission. Also if they told you that Felina is closed, it's a lie, we are open 24/7.