Erotic Blog Felina EscortsPage 12

call girl with mask

Barcelona is one of the cities providing the highest variety of paid sex in the country: street prostitution, prostitute agencies, illegal paid sex apartments, hostess bars, or glamorous brothels of escorts of high standing such as Felina Barcelona.

stripper with money in thong

Striptease is a real form of art that originated in ancient Rome. According to some scholars during the Ludi Florales, the theater actresses stripped naked on spectators’ demand. That is how nudatio mimarum, the first form of striptease, was born. Still the origins of what can be regarded as modern striptease lie in bohemian Paris during the end of the 18th century, and the truth is that striptease has changed a lot from its beginning to date but has remained one of men’s favorite hobbies.

Brazilian women for sex

The Brazilian women engaging in paid sex at Felina Barcelona are beautiful, kind and very accommodating women. We cannot forget about how sex is underwent openly and freely in Barcelona, being the second country behind Mexico where sex is practiced the most.

escort going home with suitcase

For many men and women who choose to get in touch with an escort to fulfill their fantasies, or just to spend a pleasurable night in the company of a gorgeous woman, the most important traits are inconspicuousness and respect for privacy.

Escort girls in Barcelona city

There are many men who seek to fulfill their sexual needs with luxury escorts to make their sexual fantasies come true and have a memorable night. They want to enjoy a young and beautiful body that knows how to assure them of pleasure. However, there are many others who seek something more: the company of a mistress that enables them to share a moment beyond pure sex. As we told you in our last post, there are industry professionals who volunteer to fulfill these desires, escort girls in Barcelona with more qualities than a mere body made to sin.

Book a escort girl in Barcelona

It is easy to confuse escort girls with luxury escorts. In fact, the line between the two isn’t fully clear. There are escort girls who provide, apart from the escorting service, sex services to their customers, and luxury escorts who also work as partners besides their regular services. In any case, an escort girl, call girl or escort is a woman who volunteers to accompany her customers to dinners, events and public events or even trips in exchange for a financial compensation.

Maria escort for fantasies

We would like to introduce Maria, a luxury escort which is part of team Felina’s team, the perfect girl who with realize your most secret sexual fantasies. A Rumanian lady of 23 years old that despite her young age, knows how to satisfy her lovers in the bed, alternating her sweet and loving side, with her wildest side. With her delightful look and her sensual and athletic body will seduce you and will take you in a very pleasant and erotic reality. Maria always wears very sexy lingerie and she loves dressing up erotic costumes to… play.

Mexican escort girl in Barcelona

This week we are providing you with the latest pics of Dennis, a very sweet and inconspicuous Mexican call girl in Barcelona who loves oral sex. With her golden skin and athletic body, this charming lady will drive men crazy just with her cat-like gaze. Her specialty is the OWO, but you can also relish many other sexual services like the erotic shower and discover new erotic games. She also provides the Girlfriend Experience (GFE), wherein the whore acts as if she were the client’s ‘girlfriend’, thereby providing a more affectionate sex session with more kisses and caresses.

Gorgeus call girl, Judith

Young, pretty and hot-blooded, Judith is a very beautiful 22-year-old Colombian escort with very sensual curves. Her measures are very provocative. You will fall for her child-like face and her body will drive you crazy. Judith is an extremely sexy woman but she is also known to be sweet and gentle with her clients. You can have a hot and horny night with her.

Barcelona luxury whore

Today you can see the posted pics of Raquel, a Spanish luxury whore in Barcelona. Unlike other brothels, we at Felina Barcelona work with real luxury sluts, classy mistresses who not only sexually accompany the client but are also well-mannered woman who are nice to chat with and provide you with the best company both on and off bed.

Enjoy with the best Barcelona escorts at our luxury brothel
Felina BCN


Can Bruixa Street, 42 B, 08014 Barcelona
Street level (District Les Corts)

+34 934 095 319+34 680 273 855 

+34 630 333 111

Line 3 - Les Corts Station (L3).

54, 59, 66, 78, H8, H10 and V7.

Parking close.

10 minutes in taxi. Be careful with taxi drivers. They might try to convince you to go somewhere else because they work on commission. Also if they told you that Felina is closed, it's a lie, we are open 24/7.